– A discussion on how Sandpoint businesses are faring this summer, with Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce President, Kate McAlister. – Envision Community Resource Center‘s Linnis Jellinek and Sara Hensel on the upcoming Power Up Opportunities Nonprofit and Volunteer Expo coming July 28. July 13, 2022: Two interviews on community topics:.July 26, 2022: It’s turkey talk, featuring an interview by host Phil Hough with Kurt Dyroff of the Wild Turkey Foundation.July 27, 2022: The contested Camp Bay Road access to Lake Pend Oreille, with two advocates to retain public access, Jennifer and Fred Arn.August 3, 2022: Interview with Heather Upton, the City of Sandpoint’s new Art and Historic Preservation Officer.August 9, 2022: Post-season interview with Karie Lee Knoke, finalist on History Channel’s Alone reality series.August 10, 2022: Festival at Sandpoint Executive Director Ali Baranski and President Bob Witte give a recap of the just-ended 2022 concert series.August 16, 2022: Talking wildlife topics, with Idaho Department of Fish and Game reps Carson Watkins, new Panhandle Regional Supervisor and T.J.August 17, 2022: The 25th anniversary (and upcoming celebration) of the Rock Creek Alliance, with co-founders of the group, Mary Costello and Diane Williams.Becky Meyer, plus LPOSD board of trustees chair Geraldine Lewis. August 24, 2022: Schools and the upcoming school year, with Lake Pend Oreille School District’s new superintendent, Dr.August 30, 2022: Late summer and fall fishing, with TJ Ross and Rob Ryan from Idaho Fish and Game.7, and other happenings with the Kaniksu Land Trust, with Elder Advocate Paul Graves and KLT’s Katie Cox. – A Geezer Forum coming to Pine Street Woods Sept. 24 to raise fund for the Bonner General Health Foundation to purchase an Exoskeleton, with BGH Community Development Coordinator Molly Behrens, Foundation board member Patty Hutchens and Chris Owens, who is paralyzed and has used the Exoskeleton. – The Find Your Strength Fun Run, coming Sept. August 31, 2022: Two interviews on upcoming events, and the campaign to acquire advanced technology to help those who have lost the ability to walk:.September 7, 2021: An interview with Boundary County Library Director Kimber Glidden discussing the confrontational group pushing to ban books at her library, that precipitated her recent resignation and has gained international news coverage.For an archive of older podcasts go to the All Podcasts page. The Morning Show airs each Tuesday and Thursday at 8 a.m., and its most recent recorded interviews are subsequently available here as podcasts. These Community Conversations are recorded interviews that air during KRFY’s live-broadcast Morning Show.